Can I plea for a Lesser Sentence if found guilty of a Criminal Offense?

Lawyers spend a lot of time fighting in court to protect their clients. They also help their clients who are guilty to reduce their sentence whenever the occasion calls for it. You can reduce some of the severe punishments connected to your claimed offense. Here is what you need to know about reducing your lesser sentence if found guilty of a criminal offense.

Plea Bargains

Prosecutors frequently try to agree with an alleged offender to avoid costly and drawn-out trials. They can attempt to persuade the court to reduce your lesser sentence if you enter a plea bargain. A plea bargain could be savvy if the evidence is compelling against you or if you wish to admit guilt. The judge might be lenient and impose a lesser punishment due to your apparent cooperation. Be aware that a plea bargain is not a guarantee.

Discuss with your defense lawyer before taking a plea bargain. Keep in mind that you always have the right to defend yourself with the support of your lawyer.

Operating Under Duress 

You could claim that you were under pressure if you felt threatened to commit a crime. The court can give you a reduced sentence since you were coerced.

First-Time Offense

Being a first-time offender might be advantageous if you have a spotless background and record but run into difficulties for a single offense. The court may impose a lesser sentence on you if it determines that you do not continue to constitute a threat and that rehabilitation will be successful.

Addiction Problems

Decision-making skills might be irreversibly impacted by long-term addiction, and your judgment might also be affected by merely having a chemical in your system. You could be able to have your sentence reduced to probation with court-ordered treatment if you have been battling with addiction.

No Real Harm was Done

A defense lawyer can plead for a lighter sentence where no one was ultimately hurt and nothing was missing.

Mental Health Issues

You can be eligible for a reduced sentence if you briefly experience a mental health issue that led you to commit an offense.

Lastly, hire an experienced criminal defense lawyer to know the best option in reducing your sentence if found guilty of any criminal offense.